Guest Speaker

Nathalie Clermont_26051_Col







Nathalie Clermont
Director of Program Management

Nathalie Clermont has worked in the film, television and digital media industry for over twenty-five years. She has extensive experience in policy development as well as financing. Since 2007 she acts as a key advisor on CMF programs and policies, in addition to ensuring uniformity in the services offered and the application process for all CMF programs. Prior to joining the organization in March 2007 as Director of Program Management, Nathalie has worked for fifteen years at the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC), where she led the Corporate Business Unit Team, responsible for investments in film and television programs. Nathalie holds a BA in Film, Communications and Public Relations from the University of Montreal.


Have you heard of the CMF EXPERIMENTAL STREAM ?

The Experimental Stream encourages the development of innovative, interactive digital media content and software applications. Projects funded under the Experimental Stream are to be developed for commercial potential by the Canadian media industry or public use by Canadians. Funding is allocated according to a selective process using an evaluation matrix. Nathalie will explain how you can benefit from this program, and will answer questions to help you better understand the guidelines. Many successful companies have gained from this program, such as Red Barrels, a client of CEIM.


Managers and founders of emerging companies in high technology.


20 Queen Street 3rd floor
Montréal QC H3C 2M7


Free registration.

Please register with :
Nicole Bigras
Telephone: (514) 866-0575, extension 200
