Christian Wopperer has over twenty-five years of experience in business development and IT sales in Europe and Canada.
His background as an entrepreneur gives him a solid foundation in the marketing and sales challenges faced by start-up companies. He founded and managed a Zürich-based (Switzerland) company specializing in the development and sale of Quality Assurance software. His company generated sales growth of 250 % annually.
Since his arrival in Canada in 1995, he has helped Canadian companies export to Europe, has headed the marketing and sales department of Orthofab Inc. and implemented KMtechnologies’ commercialisation strategy in Montreal.
At CEIM, Christian developed a technique to identify potential clients, known as the “Mechanics of commercialisation”. This program assists entrepreneurs in building and managing their sales department quickly, with minimal investment and with almost immediate payback. Christian Wopperer applies his expertise in sales development to projects primarily at the start-up and early-growth stages. He lectures on a regular basis at École Polytechnique de Montréal on topics of commercialisation.
Christian Wopperer holds a Swiss Business degree (or “maturity level”), a diploma in Informatics from EPSIC (Lausanne, Switzerland) and an Advanced Management Certificate from McGill University.