
By Mélanie Pilon, Writer for the ICT Partners Vitrine TI Program
Published on Carrefour TIC

In our field, each project comes with its share of challenges, due to a difficult operational
environment that is very technical and where many norms apply. We’re here to accompany clients by
offering them a real solution, as well as all the support necessary to optimize it.
– Patrick Lauzière, VP, technology & development at Orange Traffic 

By Benoit Labbé (TechnoMontreal)
Published by Carrefour TIC

GSOFT must rise to the challenge of perpetual innovation. The more we succeed, the harder we have to work to achieve more. There are always younger innovative companies popping up and new technological developments to stay on top of. They key is to stay focussed on clear objectives, while constantly questioning ourselves.
– Catherine Salvail, GSOFT’s Director of Media & Visibility

New partnership with the Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de Montréal to help incubate and grow McGill-based start-ups.

The Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism, and Agriculture) was at Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de Montréal this morning to announce a funding contribution of up to $ 6.2 million over the next five years to support the launch of CEIM’s Québec Innovation project. A key element of this project is an innovative partnership between CEIM and McGill University to provide McGill student and faculty entrepreneurs with access to an array of support, expertise and resources to incubate and grow their start-ups.

Our government is committed to creating the best business environment possible for Canadian small and start-up businesses to grow and prosper. Today’s investment in the Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de Montréal will help ensure Quebec’s promising innovative businesses have the services, guidance and resources to become internationally competitive while creating jobs in Montreal and across Quebec.” Maxime Bernier, Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism) (Agriculture).

With this CEIM/McGill partnership, forged through Montreal’s Quartier de l’innovation (QI), McGill innovators will gain access to coaching and consultation in various aspects of the commercialization process, including strategic planning, raising capital, identifying laboratory or production facilities, structuring legal and financial agreements, developing intellectual property and initiating domestic and international sales, among others.

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