The road to Success is always under construction
Guest speaker
Mr. Martin Gauthier
Sid Lee Montreal
In 1992, Martin earned a B.A. in marketing from UQTR, and in November 1997 became one of the founders of Stratego Media, a company that quickly went on to achieved great success. Following the merger between Stratego Media and Sid Lee in 1999, Martin became Vice-President and Senior Partner. More recently, Martin was appointed President of Sid Lee Montreal. While his initial role was in the interactive field, this quickly expanded to include multidisciplinary mandates that go above and beyond interactive communication. Martin uses his background in non-traditional and relationship marketing to help his clients develop innovative approaches to modern forms of communication, to adapt to emerging consumer trends and behaviours. The house party concept, developed for Adidas, is a perfect example of this.
While other agencies continue to work within silos, Martin has instilled an interactive approach in all employees of the agency, which they apply to every project with vigour and enthusiasm. And the team spirit he has developed with the other partners is a source of constant inspiration.
Martin has played a major role in Sid Lee’s development, bringing to the table a mature view of media and relationship marketing as he continues to innovate. His four screens idea, for example, maximizes the client’s investment by distributing creative content across multiple platforms (web, cell phones, interactive screens in stores and interactive television) to reach an increasingly transient and fickle consumer population.
Over the years, Martin has worked with clients including Cirque du Soleil, Gaz Métro, Red Bull, MGM Mirage, Adidas, George St-Pierre, Tourisme Montréal and the Société des alcools du Québec.
Being your own boss and blazing your own trails of success can be the most rewarding career path that one could choose to partake on. The road to success is never smooth or straight, to be a successful entrepreneur one must be a warrior of sorts, able to accept that at the beginning and throughout your career, NO will be a common word that you will hear from the world around you. Perseverance is KEY, and never allowing yourself to deviate from the goal that you have set for yourself. Understanding that even when things are at their peak, and the road ahead seems smooth and straight, you will always have to be prepared for potential roadblocks. Having the right tools and people in place, and preparing yourself in advance will help you in the end.
Wednedsay, March 20, 2013 from 5 pm to 7 pm
CEIM, 20, Queen Street, 3rd floor, Old Montreal
Pay parking: 75 Queen Street
Registration required
Nicole Bigras
(514) 866-0575, extension 200
No entry fee