An accessible source of funds: the CDEB!

PowerPoint Presentation (French version)

Guest speaker

Mr. Michel Lefebvre
Partner Taxation
Research and Development
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton S.E.N.C.R.L. / LLP



The CDEB (Credit for the Development of e-Business), managed by Investissement Québec, is currently one of the most popular initiatives for businesses in Information and Communications Technology in Quebec. A good understanding of the conditions and strategies specific to the CDEB is essential to maximize your chances to qualify for, and to benefit from, this program.

Our guest speaker will address:

– eligibility rules and conditions for the Company and its employees,
– the procedure to obtain Investissement Québec certification and
– practical issues and considerations


April 17, 2012, from 8:30 am to 10:00 am

CEIM, 20, Queen Street, 3rd floor, Old Montreal
Pay parking: 75 Queen Street

Registration required
Nicole Bigras
(514) 866-0575, extension 200

No entry fee
