The Ideal Path to Sustainable Competitive Advantage Beyond Products:
Applying Design Thinking and Customer Experience

Mapping to Take Your Venture to the Next Level
Thursday, May 22, from 1:00 p.m to 5 p.m

Talk Led by Mike Grandinetti
Managing Director, Southboro Capital Group LLC

Global Discipline Lead & Professor of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Marketing,
Hult International Business School
(Boston, Dubai, London, NYC, Sao Paolo, San Francisco, Shanghai)
Serial Advanced Technology Entrepreneur
Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management (1999-2009)
Mentor, TechStars, Founders Institute and SEED Camp Europe
Special Advisor, International Business Development, CEIM


Lida-Maria Lottko
Product Innovation Consultant
Natura, New-York City

Lida-Maria Lottko is a Design Thinking and Social Entrepreneurship enthusiast. Originally from Germany, she has lived and worked in the US, Europe, Brazil and China. After obtaining her B.Sc. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology and completing several research projects in the Life Sciences, she moved to San Francisco to get her Masters in International Business. She currently works in New York City as a Product Innovation Consultant for Natura.

Stephan Hürholz
HULT International Business School
MSc. of Social Entrepreneurship, San Francisco

Stephan Hürholz has worked on various design thinking projects as well as having spent a year at the pioneering Hasso Plattner Insitute (HPI) of Design Thinking in Berlin, Germany, earning two certifcates. The HPI was founded by Hasso Plattner, the Co-Founder and long serving CEO of SAP. He was involved in creating a start-up environment at the HPI and working for a German social enterprise that focuses on using solar energy to provide electricity for off-grid communities. At HULT he has co-founded the design-thinking club, which has led multiple workshops to improve student life. Stephan is currently pursuing a is MSc. of Social Entrepreneurship.


What do Pinterest, the world’s fastest growing company in history, AirBNB, the hugely successful global platform for connecting renters and landlord’s as well as Jawbone andDropbox, have in common? How did Howard Schulz transform Starbucks from a small Seattle –based reseller of coffee into a global icon with 20 thousand stores globally in 62 countries and rapidly growing? Why did the Apple iPhone decimate the Blackberry?

All of these highly successful companies have effectively understood the power of Design Thinking and Customer Experience Mapping. This discipline focuses holistically on the three key drivers of venture success – the desirability of the business (the human factor and DesignThinking), the viability of the business (the Business Model Canvas) and the feasibility of the technology. All have used a deep understanding of the “experience” that their customer wanted to have to design their world – class, market dominant solutions. As Ben Silberman, CEO and Co-Founder of Pinterest says, “We start by understanding and then designing the customer experience first. Only then do we prototype.”

This typifies the mindset of the leadership of these category creating and market dominant companies.  Come learn how to make this work for your venture.


20 Queen street 3rd floor
Montréal QC H3C 2M7

Parking with fee at:
75 Queen Street
Montréal QC H3C 2N6


Lunch and refreshments included.
No-fee event. Register, no later than May 19, with :

Nicole Bigras
Telephone: (514) 866-0575, extension 200

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